© Carnival Troupe, Basel,
Switzerland 1994 Photograph by Robert Jerome
large industrial city of Basel is located in northern Switzerland,
bordering Germany and France. Spreading out on both sides of
the Rhine River, this city became an important production and
trade center by the 15th century. Basel's Carnival, known by
the Swiss-German name Fasnacht (night before fasting),
dates from the Middle Ages when villagers put on costumes and
masks and roamed the streets, participating in spontaneous,
rowdy affairs before the beginning of Lent.
Protestants who gained control of the city during
the 16th-century Swiss Reformation tried to do away with the
event since they did not observe the Lenten fast. But most citizens
didn't want to give up the springtime celebration and they started
the tradition of parading through the city streets on the first
Monday of Lent. By the 19th century the structure of the celebration
had become more formalized, with members of trade guilds joining
together into fife and drum troupes. Each group dressed in distinctive
masquerades and carried a cloth-covered lantern lit from inside
and painted with images and words commenting on political or
social issues. This tradition continues today and each year
the groups select themes for their costumes and painted lanterns
that convey social and political criticism.
© Morgenstraich Troupe,
Basel, Switzerland 1992
Photograph by Gianni Vecchiato
Basel's Carnival, or Fasnacht, is a three-day
celebration beginning at 4:00 am on Monday when all of the city
lights are turned off. Hundreds of groups begin circulating
through the narrow streets of the city playing fifes and drums
in a spectacular event known as Morgenstraich (morning
tattoo). This cacophony of sight and sound continues until dawn,
when weary masqueraders make their way home for a few hours
of rest before the next event. Participants choose their own
costumes for the Morgenstraich parade, often representing
traditional Basel masquerades.
© Clique with Lantern,
Basel, Switzerland 1999
Photograph by Robert Jerome
Registered Carnival troupes in Basel, known as
cliques, have statutes, officers, dues, clubhouses, and all
the requisite features of an association. Sometimes the membership
is broken into units consisting of a main group, the old guard,
and the youngsters who undergo special training to become proficient
in playing the drums and fifes. Each year the different units
of the cliques select a theme for their costumes and painted
lanterns, which they show off on Monday afternoon and Wednesday.
Here an old guard group masquerades as Alti Dante with
images on their lantern commenting on the competition between
drummers and fife players.
© Waggis,
Basel, Switzerland 2001
Photograph by Peter Tokofsky
Watch out for Waggis! This mischievous character
loves to roughhouse and will appear around a corner at any time
to rub handfuls of räppli (confetti) into your hair and
clothing. The Waggis masquerade is a caricature of unruly French
Alsatian farmers who used to bring their produce into Basel
to sell in the street markets. His mask, with an open mouth
revealing a row of large teeth and a long bulbous nose, reflects
a stereotypical view the Swiss once had for these lower class
rural men.
The theme selected by the Rätz-Clique old
guard in 2001, entitled "The fuss over the holes"
(s schyss um d lecher), was a response to the U.S. Department
of Agriculture and a new regulation governing the size of holes
in imported Swiss cheese. Not surprisingly, the Swiss did not
react kindly to American bureaucrats meddling with their unofficial
national symbol. On one side of their lantern Uncle Sam inspects
a minute hole in a cheese and an agricultural stamp reads "Import
Not Bewilligit (approved). Löchers (holes) too big."
On the other side, a Swiss cow and a farmer comfortably sit
inside a large cheese hole. The masquerades worn by clique members
portray U.S. mice marshals and Swiss mice cheese makers.
© Cheese
Lantern of the Ratz-Clique Old Guard,
Basel, Switzerland 2001
Photograph by Paul Smutko