Parisian Masqueraders in a Grand Promenade
Color lithograph
Paris, France, 1804
Photograph courtesy of the National Library,
The pre-Lenten Carnival celebration began in the
Middle Ages among elite members of society, but was gradually
embraced by the larger population in cities and rural communities
throughout Europe. By the 15th and 16th centuries Carnival had
become a rowdy tradition featuring boisterous games and masquerades
adopted from a variety of late winter and early spring festive
practices with pre-Christian roots. This was a time for ritual
and play. By engaging in irony, disguise, laughter, and revelry,
people sought renewal and growth for themselves and their communities.
Carnival continued to evolve in Europe throughout the 17th and
18th centuries, while colonists from Spain, Portugal, and France
carried this festival tradition into North and South America.
Carnival in the Republic of Bolivia
Watercolor by Melchor María Mercado
La Paz, Bolivia, 1859
Photograph courtesy of Peter McFarren,
Quipus Cultural Foundation, La Paz
The political and industrial revolutions of the
19th century had a significant effect on Carnival celebrations
on all three continents. As the festivities began to be viewed
as civic events by newly formed governments, urban street parades
became more structured. Groups from different neighborhoods
and workers' guilds competed with one another for the best performances.
Indians and freed Africans throughout the Americas now joined
into the celebration contributing new expressive forms to this
dynamic event. Through periods of repression and revival, the
popularity of Carnival continued to grow throughout the 20th
century and today millions of people participate annually in
the celebration.