© Tunnel of Arches,
Oruru, Bolivia 1997
Photograph by Barbara Mauldin
Oruro is a mining town in the stark altiplano region
of Bolivia, 12,144 feet above sea level. It was founded in 1606
by Spaniards as a base for exploiting rich mineral deposits
in the surrounding hills. Aymara and Quechua people of this
area were already working the local mines and became laborers
for the Europeans. Spanish priests introduced Christianity,
encouraging Indians to perform their traditional dances and
songs for the Catholic saints' feast day observances. By the
mid-18th century carnaval became an annual event in Oruro.
As Indian laborers joined the celebration, city officials made
efforts to control rowdiness by naming the Virgin Mary patron
saint of the festival. 
After Bolivia gained its independence from Spain in 1825, upper
class citizens of Oruro largely ignored the indigenous population
and each group had its own Carnival celebration. In the 1940s,
with the rise of a socialist movement in Bolivia, members of
the upper class came to view the Indian lifestyle and culture
as the model for an idealized society. The Indians' processional
dance dramas and masquerades were now seen as national folkloric
pageants. Upper and middle class citizens began to form their
own dance groups modeled after those of the Indians and the
two separate Carnival celebrations in Oruro were combined into
one. Today the costumes and performance themes of the various
groups reflect diverse aspects of the cultural history of the
region, making Oruro's Carnival one of the most impressive festivals
in all of Bolivia.
© Diabladas,
Oruru, Bolivia 1997
Photograph by Barbara Mauldin
A number of Oruro's
dance troupes are known as diabladas or devils. The origin
for this type of masquerade dates back to 1790, the year after
the Virgin of the Mineshaft was named the patron of Oruro's
Carnival celebration. The Indian miners feared that their deity
of the underworld, Supay, would be jealous of the attention
being paid to the Virgin so they decided to honor him during
the festivities as well. Since Catholic priests had told them
that Supay was the devil, the miners joined the Carnival procession
dressed as diablos.
© Morenadas,
Oruru, Bolivia 2003
Photograph by Robert Jerome
The processional dance drama known as the morenada,
began in 1913. It commemorates the sacrifice of enslaved Africans
who worked alongside Indian laborers in the Bolivian mines and
later on lowland plantations. Different characters appear in
the groups including black slaves, slave drivers, and Spaniards,
each with their distinctive mask and costume. As seen here,
the masks of the black slaves are fashioned with accentuated
African features. Dancers do a lugubrious sideways step, said
to imitate the men dragging chains bound to their legs.
© Caporales Dancers,
Oruru, Bolivia 1998
Photograph by Cynthia Le Count Samaké
Caporales take their name from the corporals
or foremen who brutally oversaw the gangs of African and Indian
laborers during the colonial period. The aggressive, highly
choreographed performance of the male and female dancers reinforces
this role, using music derived from Afro-Bolivian percussion
rhythms. The beat is accentuated by strings of bells worn on
the men's legs, a practice also borrowed from Afro-Bolivian
Pujllay, a
Quechua word for play, is the name of a large festival that
takes place in mid-March in the Indian community of Tarabuco,
located near Sucre in the southern part of Bolivia. The beautiful
festival clothing and traditional dances associated with the
pujllay festival have been adopted by some of the Oruro
Carnival groups who create an impressive sight as they move
down the procession route. A few performers also play four-foot
long wooden flutes.
© Pujllay
Dance Group,
Oruru, Bolivia 1997
Photograph by Barbara Mauldin