© Procession of Villagers
Wearing Galician Costumes, Laza, Spain 1978 Photograph
by Antonio Muñoz Carrión
first recorded inhabitants of the region of Galicia, in the northwest
corner of Spain, were Celts, but over centuries other groups,
including the Romans and Visigoths, took turns controlling the
area. During the Middle Ages, Galicia was under the crown of Castile
and it became part of the kingdom of Spain in the late 15th century.
A rugged mountain range isolates Galicia from the rest of the
country and even today many residents
carry on a rural lifestyle with roots in the distant past. The
region is often viewed as "poor and backward" by other
Spaniards, but Galicians take great pride in their cultural heritage
and their way of life. Their Carnival, known regionally as entroido
(beginning or entrance), includes some medieval festival traditions,
though it is still a vibrant part of village life today.
The small community of Laza boasts about
900 inhabitants and entroido is one of the focal points
around which the townspeople organize their lives. The Carnival
play is acted out through music, dance, and feasting. Ritualized
aggression involves participants whipping spectators and throwing
ash, flour, water, and dirt filled with ants on one another. Makeshift
floats express social and political commentary as does the public
reading of a testament that provides comical, satirical, and exaggerated
statements about the actions of the townspeople during the past
© Peliqueiros
Running Through Town,
Laza, Spain 1997
Photograph by Antonio Muñoz Carrión
Clang, clang, clang. Peliqueiros prance
in the streets on Sunday morning and the distinctive sound of
the large bells hanging from their waists tells everyone that
the entroido has begun. These masqueraders, authority figures
in Laza's Carnival, carry whips to hit bystanders as a reminder
that it is time to play. The exact origin of their elaborate costume
and mask is unknown. However, some locals say the peliqueiros'
outfit and mannerisms derive from 16th-century tax collectors
who carried whips and wore masks with grimacing smiles to intimidate
the townspeople.
© Young
Men with Sacks of Dirt Filled with Ants,
Laza, Spain 1994
Photograph by Antonio Muñoz Carrión
Monday is the "dirty" and "wild"
day of Laza's Carnival. The farrapada (ragging) in the
main plaza begins with one muddy rag thrown at an unsuspecting
victim and quickly escalates into an all-out mud war lasting
more than two hours. In the meantime a few young men go into the
countryside to dig up anthills and collect the ant-filled dirt,
which they shovel into sacks and carry back to town. They douse
the ants with vinegar to wake them up
and then run into the plaza flinging dirt and ants into the air,
into peoples' faces, or right down their backs and into their
© La Morena,
Laza, Spain 1992
Photograph by Antonio Muñoz Carrión
The morena, or cow masquerader, appears
briefly during the ant-throwing episode. This character acts like
a mad cow loose in the square, butting people, lifting women's
skirts, and adding to the sense of chaos. Its carved wooden mask
is attached to one end of a long pole that the masker manipulates
with aggressive gestures as he makes his way through the crowd.
At dusk on Tuesday afternoon people gather in the
main plaza for one of the last events of Laza's Carnival. The
testamento do burro (testament of the donkey), presents
a satirical and mocking recounting of scandalous events that
occurred in Laza during the past year. Prepared and read by
the testamenteiro, it is a rhymed verse written in the
Galician form of Spanish. Using a fictional framework, the reader
verbally "distributes" body parts of the donkey to
the townspeople he is talking about. For example, a man who
lost his pig from the back of his truck on the way to market
received the eyes of the donkey so that he might keep better
track of his animals.
© Testamenteiro Riding
on Donkey,
Laza, Spain 1987
Photograph by Antonio Muñoz Carrión